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Day eighteen…..time to ride again

My goodness…I’m ready to get back on the motorcycle. The ferry has been fun and I’m glad that I’ve had the experience…..but I don’t think I’ll do it again unless I really need to.

We arrived in Bellingham at 9:00 am and guess what…….

Go on….just guess…..

It was raining…..again. Seriously the pattern of this whole trip has been to rain whenever we ride and then be sunny on our days off.

We did a quick ride down to Seattle and visited our good friend from highschool, Charles. I wish we had more time but we got to mess around for a while and meet his little family. We had just enough time to recreate some old pictures…….

Then after that we just rode all day. We had planned to stop in Spokane for the night but once we got there we decided to just go for it and finish up tonight. This is the last picture taken on the road…..

This has been a pretty amazing trip and there is so much more that can be said than I could ever put down in a blog…….I will have a recap tomorrow sometime but words will never be able to describe this adventure in its entirety……..we went……we saw…….we clapped!

4265.6 miles 17 days

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