You know what’s not fun? Strep throat……strep is not fun. We had family come visit and they brought their 4 kids one of which was sick and the combination of their 4 germ factories and our 2 we all got sick again. Unfortunately I got the worst of it. The bacteria decided to set up shop in my uvula and it got so swollen that I was having a hard time breathing so I ended up at the instacare where they scolded me for not coming in sooner. I missed a few days of work and when I made it back on Monday I was still feeling crappy and couldn’t talk well so I put this sign on my office door. It worked so well that I considered leaving it up…

After a round of antibiotics I’m feeling much better and I managed to spend the day in the garage today.

The powder coaters finished up the last parts and I picked those up this morning and put the rear wheel back together. I got the wiring all finished up and installed the new instrument cluster….its super cool looking!

With all that stuff done I only have 2 things left to do…..install the new headlights and rebuild the engine. Now that the mass of parts has turned back into a motorcycle the garage is much less cluttered and I have enough room to start tearing the engine apart.
Lastly I want to show off some new tools I picked up. These should be really helpful!