204 miles today. Tok to Fairbanks.
Holy crap that’s a long straight road. I feel like I turned less than 4 times today. The road from Tok to Fairbanks is for sure the most boring of the whole trip. It was true last time and its true this time too.
My day started a bit late cause its fathers day and I wanted to sleep in. I stayed in bed all the way until 7! Then I was up and loading the bike. Ken and I said our good byes with nothing more than a quick fist bump and a smile. I’ll never forget that dude. By 8 I was rolling.

I met a woman today from London. She shipped her bike over here just to ride to the arctic circle. Which is weird cause I met another woman a few days ago that did the exact same thing but she was from somewhere else in the UK. She is riding a triumph bonneville. We are heading the same direction tomorrow so we might run in to each other again.
Other than that it was really uneventful day. The internet connection here is torturously slow so I’m not going to upload a ton of pictures today.

Here’s the video