Well today was an unplanned day off. Late yesterday I noticed that my rear tire was cracking. It was really weird. The tire had tons of tread left and would have easily made it home…..if it wasn’t for the deep cracks that were forming at almost every one of the large center lugs. They were so bad that I decided it would not be safe to keep riding on. Of course that meant a delay for the morning or possibly all day trying to find a new tire. It was past closing time for all the shops so I couldn’t call anyone to check availability. So I figured it would just be safer to extend my hotel room for one more night. Just incase I had to work all day to get the tire replaced.

Well I was fortunate enough to find a tire at the first place I went to right when they opened. One of the service guys told me they’ve seen this a few times from these particular tires. I just pulled the wheel myself in the parking lot to save time but I did have a funny encounter.
They said they could maybe get it done later today if I was lucky cause all the lifts were full for the day. I said I was just going to pull it myself in the parking lot if that’s ok. The service writer looked at me like I was crazy and said “ok if you really want to but it would be much faster if you just let us do it and then you’ll know it was done right.” I told him I’d be just fine and I’ll be back in a minute. 10 minutes later I walked in and set my wheel by the door. He looked up, not realizing I politely left the wheel outside, and said “ha! Changed your mind?!” I said “No I’ve got the wheel off. Can I have my tire now please?” He looked like I had just slapped him in the face. But he got one of the guys to swap my tire real quick which was awesome and then gave it back to me about 10 minutes later without a word even as I payed for it. 15 minutes later I was loading my bike back up with all the luggage, wheel back on and ready to ride, when a guy walks out and introduced himself as the service manager. He offered me a job right there on the spot.

Poor guy was really bummed out when I told him I don’t live here. I’m not at all a cocky person but man do I hate it when people underestimate me. Other than the kind of snobby service writer I had a great experience with the shop. They even have a little old rustic cabin in the parking lot for people to wait in if they don’t want to hang out in the showroom. It was a pretty cool place.

After I had that all sorted out my lovely wife suggested that I should go see a movie. So I did. I love going to movies alone in the middle of the day. It’s always quiet and I just like the alone time. I used to do that a lot but Covid really put a stop to that….and then we moved to a place that doesn’t have a theater near by. I had forgotten how nice it is to sit in a theater and watch a movie on the big screen. Plus this theater had those fancy power recliners. I thoroughly enjoyed myself.
That’s all. Back on the road tomorrow.
Heres a dumb quick video of the last two days.