328 miles from Jasper to Dawson Creek today.
The first half of the day was the same incredible views as the last 2 days. I stopped for a few quick pictures and then got passed by a group of riders on ADV bikes. I figured we were probably heading to the same place so I hopped back on and caught up with them.

We rode together for an hour or so and then the turn for highway 40 (the scenic route to Alaska) came up and I figured we were all going to turn and then stop and I would get to meet them. Well that didn’t happen, they went straight and I turned. O well, back on my own again.

A few hours into the ride it started raining……mud. It was the nastiest dirty rain I’ve ever seen. I had to stop every few miles and clean my visor so I could see. As the rain continued the scenery slowly changed to flat land with incredible rolling hill views.

Not much else to say really, other than the rain it was a fairly uneventful day. I imagine the next couple days will be a little boring to look at….I’m in the flat part of Canada now. I decided to get a hotel tonight so I could charge up all my batteries and get a good shower after all the nasty rain. I’m officially on the Alaska Highway now, mile 0 is in Dawson Creek.

And here’s todays video