Its been over a week since the paint went on the engine… had to sit for a few days to let the paint cure before I could install it. I went ahead and carefully installed the stainless fasteners and then let it sit on the bench.
Lookin Good!

This past Friday I built up the courage to re-install the engine. I lined everything with towels and rags to prevent scratches and ever so gently stuffed the engine back in…..causing many scratches along the way. Luckily I’m smart and had touch up paint on hand so you cant see any scratches. Then I filled it with oil and coolant and put the tank back on and its officially motorcycle shaped again!

I slowly cranked the engine over a few times by hand using the counter sprocket just to make sure nothing was bound up or installed incorrectly. And then came the big moment….the first start. I was too nervous…..I actually had to go inside and sit down for 20 minutes before I could try starting it.
Eventually I ran out of reasons why the engine was sure to explode the instant I looked at it again and I had to go back out and try it. Ok……key on…….killswitch set to run…..deep breath……….should probably check the oil again…..oils good…..what about coolant?…..yep good too……..3……2…..1……click buzz click click………ugh. the battery is dead. Put the battery on the charger for 20 minutes and came back. Charger shows that the battery is full so lets try again….nothing. OK its gonna be like that huh?!?! So I stuck the jumper pack on it.
IT’S ALIVE!!!!! And don’t worry…all the rattling you hear in the video is from my tools bouncing around on the lift table. The engine purrs like a kitten.
Now I just have to reinstall the plastics and weld up a mount for the headlight and it’ll be done! (Unless I run into any unforeseen issues. –foreshadowing edit from a few days in the future)