Well the project had a bit of a delay. Waiting for parts and and the frame to get done….then I got sick so everything got put off another week. BUT finally I have all the parts and the frame is done and I’m feeling well again so its time to put it together!
The frame looks great! I went with Sterling Black instead of just semi gloss. It has a nice metal flake in it and looks way better than the semigloss and a billion times better than the old silver and rust.

I have already finished rebuilding the rear shock but didn’t take any pictures. I used 140cc of 10 weight oil and charged the shock with 140psi of nitrogen. I also added a heavier weight spring to help the rear keep up with the new front end.
Now the slow process of reassembly begins. I also ordered a hardware kit. Every bolt is getting replaced with stainless hex head bolts. It should look really sharp and get rid of the old rusting bolts. I would definitely never go to all this trouble but since the bike is already completely disassembled its the perfect time to replace every bolt. This is going to be a much slower process than taking it apart. I am hoping to have it done over the next couple weekends.

Once the frame is reassembled I can start on the engine work.