My goodness……putting this thing back together is taking forever!
As I put things back on I keep running into little mini projects that need to be done before I can continue. As I was reassembling the swingarm and rear brake I realized that I had three pieces that I wanted to get powder coated but got lost in the pile of parts and never made it. So now those are sitting in a bag waiting to get dropped off at Armor Coatings. I also keep finding little brackets and pieces that are dirty, scratched, or lightly rusted….so I’ve been setting them aside so I can paint them.
I’m now to a point that I can’t continue with reassembly until all my little parts are ready so I’ve been spending every spare minute I’ve had today painting.

I wish I only had to get those five things painted but unfortunately there are about 15 more to go. I also managed to get the airbox all cleaned up and shiny. The poor thing was absolutely coated in oily dirt.

This part is not nearly as glamorous as rebuilding suspension or paying someone else to do a professional powder coating job but I still get a kick out of it……