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Day 10: top of the world

185 miles today. Dawson city to Tok

The morning started out with a quick ferry ride. That was pretty neat. 

After the ferry, I was officially on the Top of The World Highway. The highway takes you to the northern most border crossing in the US and through a small town called Chicken. The views were just awesome. Almost every mile of the road is on mountain tops and you can see forever. The scenery reminds me a lot of northern Utah and Montana. Short trees and big rolling hills. Also, about 80 miles of the road is dirt. So that made for an interesting day. Here’s some pictures. 

I made it to Alaska!

The Top of The World Highway took most of the day even though it was not many miles. I made it to Tok and found a spot at Thompsons Eagle Claw. I’ve stayed here before and have been really excited to get back. I get to sleep in the school bus!

The bus has 4 bunks in it so it’s not just for me. I’ve got a roommate. We met in the parking lot when his bike fell over and I ran over to help him pick it up. His name is Ken and we’ve spent the evening talking about motorcycles and motorcycle trips. He is from North Carolina and rode from Alaska to Argentina a few years ago. Ken was also very encouraging about my business and told me not to discount myself as barely a business. He told me to stick to what I love and make a good product and the rest will fall together on its own……right on Ken! Ken communicates via sign or text on his phone, and since I don’t know sign language, we’ve been having all these conversations by typing in the notes app and showing them to each other. What an interesting way to meet a person! 

It’s a full house here tonight so I’m sure it’ll be another late night talking to strangers. 

Here’s todays video

And also don’t forget to check out the map. It’s starting to look cool.

1 thought on “Day 10: top of the world”

  1. Great way to celebrate your Father’s Day lol! Love you son and take Ken’s words seriously!!!! You got this son! I love your adventurous spirit!!

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