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Day 15:Denali

388 miles today. Coldfoot to Denali

So I started out the day thinking I would stay in Fairbanks again for one night and then head south to Denali…..and then I got to Fairbanks. I hate that place. It’s just a city but for some reason every time I’ve been there now I get all antsy and have to get out as soon as possible. I think it’s the shock of experiencing the freedom of the wilderness and then suddenly being thrown into a hot and stinky busy city. So I got back on and rode another 122 miles to Denali. I’m at a campground and I’ll be here for 2 nights. I need a day off after the last 4 days. 

The road from Coldfoot to Fairbanks is definitely in worse shape than the road north of Coldfoot but it was not as bad as I remembered it. I think 800 miles of dirt made me a little more comfortable than I was at the start. Sadly there were some fires in the area and the Arctic Circle campground was being used as a landing zone so I couldn’t get a picture at the sign. It was closed when I went by the other day but I was hoping it would be open again by now.

Now I’m sitting in a restaurant up on a mountain side overlooking Denali eating a ridiculous dinner while I type this. Today was a good day. 

Here’s todays video

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