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Day 2: raining again

Hey guess what……it rains in Canada a lot. We were lucky enough to start out the day with nice warm sunshine but it got rainy just after we crossed the boarder. 

We packed up and headed out around 10 and took it easy. The days on this trip are so much shorter so we can take time to check things out and relax. 
Here is mark getting his bike all packed up…..he doesn’t have much room.

Hanging out at the first rest stop.
Unfortunately due to technical difficulties we don’t have any pictures of the amazing scenery from most of the day. Although we were cold and wet it was hard to be mad….it was so beautiful. 
This is the only picture captured before the camera gave up.

Right after this the sky opened up and let it pour. We finally out ran the storm around Banff and we took a break.
We made it to our hotel around 5…’s awesome! A very nice lady that we work with set us up in a 2 bedroom condo for 2 nights.
Tomorrow we ride a gondola and take lots of pictures.

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