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Day 5: Snow…..

……so much for avoiding the storm.

We took our time this morning and packed up camp at a pretty slow pace. After saying goodbye to our new friends we headed up to lake Louise. I managed to do this time what I should have on the last trip….see this freaking lake! I actually think moraine lake was prettier but as long as I get a picture it should keep Rod happy.
See, Rod, I have proof! I really went there!
Then we hit the road and headed to Jasper. I promise I’m not exaggerating here……..3 miles……thats how far we made it down the road before the weather turned crappy. The road to Jasper is hwy 93 or The Icefields Highway and it cuts through some truly amazing scenery. It also goes right up some truly huge mountains and close to some truly frozen glaciers…… naturally it snowed…….because Canada. Luckily the snow didn’t accumulate on the ground but it did a very good job of sticking to a helmet visor making it impossible to see. The weather made for very cold day but we still had fun. We came straight to a hotel once we made it to town and after moving in we filled our bellies with some hot food……all is right with the world now.
I tried to get some pictures but the storm clouds were covering up all the scenery…….here’s what we came up with. You can kind of see snow flakes in a couple of the pictures…..I promise it was actually snowing.

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