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Day 9: D2D

No miles today

So to be perfectly honest…..I still don’t really know what D2D is. There’s a bunch of motorcycles here and that’s cool, but I’m no closer to understanding what the event is actually about. It’s called Dust 2 Dawson and I’ve always assumed it was a group ride from a place called Dust to Dawson city. But no one knows each other so they definitely didn’t ride here together. There’s a BBQ tonight and there was a poker run today…..those are the only “events” that are part of D2D. I think it’s just a reason for people to ride up here, and I’m fine with that. 

First thing this morning, I rode around looking for breakfast and it turns out that since everything is open late, due to the sun being up all night, they also open late. It took a while to find a place open to feed me. After eating I went for a walk around town. It’s a quiet little town and I covered the whole thing in just a couple hours. I stopped at the visitors center and the Dawson City museum. And again I spent most of the day being a nerd in a museum. 

There were these boards that had short descriptions of significant people from the area during the gold rush and I had to share. The pictures are terrible but if you want, click on and open each picture full size and read. They’re pretty neat.

The museum had a little theater in it that was playing a short documentary called “City of Gold” and I loved every second of it. I loved it so much that I searched for it online to see if there was a way to buy it. I found it on YouTube and I’m going to put it below. It’s really good and only 22 minutes long. If you find this kind of stuff interesting I highly recommend it. 

Back on the road tomorrow. 

Heres a video

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