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Jasper AB

If you have seen my last trip you will know that Jasper AB was where we ended up on the first day. If you have ever made the trip yourself you will know that it is just plain amazing. After we got home Enrique and I talked about doing a trip one day where we just go to Jasper and take the time to ride slow and see the sights. Well I am doing just that in 2 weeks. Unfortunately Enrique will not be joining in on this trip……fear not though we have an adventure planned together later this summer!

This time the group is going to be myself, Mark, and Ben. If you are really paying attention here you will recognize those names. Mark was part of the planed group for the Alaska trip…..and Ben was too….just not this Ben. Both of these guys are coworkers and we need a good road trip to unwind from last winter.

The plan is to take it easy and see some beautiful places. The days are short this time…..nothing over 300 miles. We will try to camp as much as possible but there will have to be one or two hotel nights so we can wash up and do laundry.

Here is the itinerary
Friday June 11: trailer up to my dads house again
June 12: ride up to Lake Louise 256 miles. Stay at Lake Louise campground.
June 13: ride to Jasper 144 miles. Stay at Wapiti campground.
June 14: hangout in Jasper and check out a few things. Probably get a hotel.
June 15: ride to Golden 191 miles. Stay at Golden Eco-Adventure Ranch
June 16: ride back to Dads house 265 miles.
June 17: back home

We have a few extra days to spare so we will probably try some detours or stay somewhere for an extra day.

This time I promise to get a picture of Lake Louise!

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