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Mini Camp 2010

So I was going through old pictures last weekend and came across a folder I hadn’t opened in a very long time: “Mini Camp 2010”

I had forgotten about this trip but I think its fair to say that this was my first ever motorcycle trip. Enrique and I rode out into the mountains near his place in Nevada……on 110cc mini bikes! We strapped sleeping bags to the front fenders and filled backpacks with everything else we thought we might need. Unfortunately we didn’t seem to think food was something we might need….seriously….we didn’t bring any food camping. So after spending the whole day getting out into the hills and finding a good place to camp we set up camp, left everything, and high tailed it back to Enriques place to get food, and came back in the truck cause it was getting dark and minibikes don’t have headlights. We covered quite a few miles to get out there and it took all dang day but we managed to blast all the way back home in about two hours with no gear to worry about. The other stupid thing I notice in the pictures is the lack of proper gear. T shirts, skate shoes, shorts… cool. Stupidity aside, it was a ridiculous and fun quick-trip.

I wish I could remember more about the trip but it was so long ago…..Heres some pictures.

I believe we were at about 8000 feet here
we found this cool abandoned mining town

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