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Tony Wade

Sena SF4 Unboxing

Back with another quick unboxing of a new toy. This time I got my hands on a Sena SF4 headset. I’ve been wanting one of these for a while and finally got the package from amazon the other day. Despite… Read More »Sena SF4 Unboxing

A Farm Upstate

What does it mean to love your motorcycle? Do we grow attached to the bike or the act of riding it? The places it takes us and the memories we made while using it or the physical machine itself? Although… Read More »A Farm Upstate

Steering Stabilized

While I was riding around in the desert a couple weeks ago I started thinking about my steering stabilizer. My steering has felt kind loose and wobbly since putting the dirt tires on and it’s been bothering me. The first… Read More »Steering Stabilized

ADV Inspiration

This past weekend I attended Adventure Days at Zakar hosted by Rawhyde Adventures. WHAT A BLAST! This was only the second rally I have attended but I have to say it was my favorite by far. I’ll be honest, I… Read More »ADV Inspiration

Filler content

So it’s winter time and there isn’t much going on in the moto department. I threw this video together to help me think about something other than snow. Also thought I’d mention that I’ve got an event coming up in… Read More »Filler content

Winter Escape

Winter is in full effect here so the motorcycles are in hibernation and spirits are low in the garage. To make matters worse the garage heater broke so there has been very little activity out there which makes dealing with… Read More »Winter Escape

Product Reviews

I’m Going to start reviewing the gear I use and like. I will only review gear I have thoroughly tested to make sure I bring you accurate information. At this point I don’t have any sponsored content so you can… Read More »Product Reviews

Low Temp ADV

So I’m just gonna say it now to start things off. WOW THAT WAS COLD!!!!! A friend from work talked me into going on a ride with him last week. The plan was to go from Salt Lake down to… Read More »Low Temp ADV