Day 3: dirt rain
328 miles from Jasper to Dawson Creek today. The first half of the day was the same incredible views as the last 2 days. I stopped for a few quick pictures and then got passed by a group of riders… Read More »Day 3: dirt rain
328 miles from Jasper to Dawson Creek today. The first half of the day was the same incredible views as the last 2 days. I stopped for a few quick pictures and then got passed by a group of riders… Read More »Day 3: dirt rain
Today was very short. Just 194 miles. But I managed to make it take all day. There is a whole bunch of stuff to see between Golden and Jasper. I started the day off with some oatmeal cooked in the… Read More »Day 2: enjoy the weather
Well today went pretty smooth. 240 miles from home to Golden BC. I’ve been down this road a few times now so it was nothing new and I even recognized a few places from previous trips. a few things happened… Read More »Day 1: $4 scratcher
Holy crap its happening! The planning started in 2018 and the original trip was supposed to be 2020 but now, finally, its happening. The bike is packed and the route is loaded into the GPS. Day 1 is Thursday June… Read More »Clap for Alaska 2020….I mean 2022
Last September Jason and I took a PCH trip. Ive wanted to ride CA hwy 1 for a very long time so when he called and half jokingly suggested we do the ride I jumped at the opportunity! First I… Read More »Pacific Coast Highway
As everyone is well aware, the coronavirus really messed up the last two years. My whole life got turned upside down and shook like a dog. I don’t want to talk about all the ways life got hard the last… Read More »2 years
This post started out as a draft that I made back on may 3rd 2020 to announce what I thought was my up coming trip to Alaska that July…..o how naive! That was my birthday and I was happily enjoying… Read More »Well….that escalated quickly
Well……this is not the way I would have expected to find time to work on the garage. Just like everyone else in the world right now, my life has been turned upside down by COVID19 and I suddenly have LOTS… Read More »New garage update
Living in a place that gets snow 5 months of the year is not ideal for someone that loves motorcycles and despises snowmobiles. It gets really hard to enjoy life when you are mad at the weather….especially if your job… Read More »The winter time blues
If you have never heard of Mosko Moto I highly suggest you check them out. They have a really cool business model and offer incredible customer service. They are also a really cool bunch of people….they are more intense motoheads… Read More »Mosko Moto Reckless 80