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/adˈven(t)SHər,ədˈven(t)SHər/ : an unusual and exciting, typically hazardous, experience or activity.

Mini Camp 2010

So I was going through old pictures last weekend and came across a folder I hadn’t opened in a very long time: “Mini Camp 2010” I had forgotten about this trip but I think its fair to say that this… Read More »Mini Camp 2010

BROverland Expo

This past weekend I was lucky enough to attend Overland Expo west. I had never been to Flagstaff before so I was excited to get to a new place and explore. I started the journey south on Wednesday morning with… Read More »BROverland Expo

ADV Inspiration

This past weekend I attended Adventure Days at Zakar hosted by Rawhyde Adventures. WHAT A BLAST! This was only the second rally I have attended but I have to say it was my favorite by far. I’ll be honest, I… Read More »ADV Inspiration

Low Temp ADV

So I’m just gonna say it now to start things off. WOW THAT WAS COLD!!!!! A friend from work talked me into going on a ride with him last week. The plan was to go from Salt Lake down to… Read More »Low Temp ADV


Before you ask…..the KLR isn’t done yet…..I still haven’t made the headlight bracket So every year KTM does their Adventure Rally tour. They travel the world and organize rides and set up a show in a few different places and… Read More »Adventure


Woke up at 6 with the plan to hit the road by 7… naturally we were on the road at 8. We rode straight to the entrance of the parks this morning hoping to see as much as possible before… Read More »Yellowstone