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/adˈven(t)SHər,ədˈven(t)SHər/ : an unusual and exciting, typically hazardous, experience or activity.

Day 17: spit

488 miles today. Denali to Homer That was a long day man! I got up early so I could do some extra miles and skip a night in Anchorage.  The day started off looking like it would be boring for… Read More »Day 17: spit

Day 16: chill

Today I just did whatever I wanted. It was dope.  I started off with some oatmeal while I talked to my neighbor. She’s from here but just starting a trip up to Dawson City to see some friends. She was… Read More »Day 16: chill

Day 15:Denali

388 miles today. Coldfoot to Denali So I started out the day thinking I would stay in Fairbanks again for one night and then head south to Denali…..and then I got to Fairbanks. I hate that place. It’s just a… Read More »Day 15:Denali

Day 14: south

256 miles again today. Deadhorse to Coldfoot.  Well….I did what i set out to do. I rode my motorcycle to Prudhoe Bay. Now its all south from here. So it kind of bothers me that no one can decide what… Read More »Day 14: south

Day 12: Utah vibes

268 miles today Fairbanks to Coldfoot.  That doesn’t sound like a lot but my goodness I’m tired. That’s a lot of miles on dirt roads. It wasn’t all dirt, there were scattered sections of asphalt, but it was mostly dirt. … Read More »Day 12: Utah vibes

Day 9: D2D

No miles today So to be perfectly honest…..I still don’t really know what D2D is. There’s a bunch of motorcycles here and that’s cool, but I’m no closer to understanding what the event is actually about. It’s called Dust 2… Read More »Day 9: D2D